Work Experience
Ultra high-speed Nonlinear Integrated Circuits Lab (UNIC)
University of Michigan, 01/2025 - Present
FMCW: Design of a discrete high-performance frequency modulated continuous wave radar.
Michigan eXploration Laboratory
University of Michigan, 05/2023 - Present
ULWT: Designing RF circuitry for a low-cost, ultra light-weight tracker for near-space asset tracking and wireless communication.
DTN: Research into dynamic network reconfiguration for adhoc delay tolerant networks. Presented at AIAA SciTech 2025.
F Prime: A JPL-funded project team working on applications of F`, a flight software framework. Helping develop integrations with it and Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocols, specifically NASA's ION-DTN structure.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA, 05/2024 - 08/2024
Designed flight software deployment topologies, their hierarchies, and hardware-software interfaces within JPL's F Prime embedded system framework. Architected novel syntax for behavior segmentation patterns within F Prime and small scale flight software using autocoders, semantic code analysis, and Python/Scala. Designed package management and delivery mechanisms for F Prime.
Scalable Architecture Lab
William & Mary, 02/2022 - 12/2023
AkitaRTM: A real-time monitoring tool for computer architecture simulations, aimed at making high-performance computing apps more acceptable.
Yuzawa: A Simulation-as-a-Service platform aimed at providing anyone with a tool to develop complex hardware configurations, with 0 knowledge of coding required.
Northeastern University, 06/2019 - 07/2022
Daisen: A data visualization tool for computer architecture simulators, built on Akita, an architecture simulator framework.
NaviSim: A Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) simulator for AMD’s new RDNA instruction-set architecture. Also built upon Akita.
Ali Mosallaei, Daniil Voloshin, James W. Cutler 2025. Demonstrating and Analyzing the Effects of Dynamic Contact Graphs in Improving Wireless Adhoc Delay Tolerant Networks through a Simulated Stratospheric Testbed. AIAA SciTech Forum 2025.
Ali Mosallaei, Kate Isaacs, Yifan Sun 2024. Looking into the Black Box: Monitoring Computer Architecture Simulations in Real-Time with AkitaRTM. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 2024).
This publication was presented at CAMS '23.
Yifan Sun, Yixuan Zhang, Ali Mosallaei, Michael D. Shah, Cody Dunne, David Kaeli. 2021. Daisen: A Framework for Visualizing Detailed GPU Execution. The 23rd EG Conference on Visualization (EuroVis ’21).
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